Declarative/rhetorical questions

你覺得我負擔得起?(You think I can afford it?)

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咁大隻字寫喺出邊你都睇唔到?(Such a big character is written out the boundary; you can't see it?)

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冬天凍到咁,睇吓天文台先揀衫著?(It's freezing cold in winter; check the weather forecast first before picking clothes?)

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Normal questions

發生咩事? (What happened?)

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打電話去中旅社有冇人聽? (When you called the travel agency, did anyone answer or not?)

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有幾多支酒精搓手液? (How many alcohol-based hand rubs are there?)

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三歲嘅小朋友就最知飽,佢哋能夠根據身體畀嘅飽肚訊息。 (Three-year-old children feel fullness best, and they can sense their body's fullness status.)

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出手就總有一定嘅水準。 (He performs well once playing.)

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都想記低小朋友嘅成長點滴,荷包再緊。 (I want to record the growth of my child, no matter how empty my wallet is.)

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