About Me

I’m currently pursuing my PhD at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, under the guidance of Prof. Haizhou Li. My research primarily revolves around speech processing, encompassing areas such as speech representation learning, speech synthesis, and speech translation.

Prior to my doctoral studies, I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Central South University, followed by a Master’s degree from Southern University of Science and Technology. Throughout my Master’s journey, I had the privilege of being mentored by Prof. Yu Zhang, Prof. Jimmy Liu, and Prof. Tom Ko.

I’m always open to discussing my research and answering any related queries. If you’re interested in my work or are considering potential collaborations, please feel free to reach out to me at qibingbai@link.cuhk.edu.cn. I look forward to engaging in enriching discussions and exploring new opportunities.


Leveraging In-the-wild Data for Effective Self-supervised Pretraining in Speaker Recognition. Shuai Wang, Qibing Bai, Qi Liu, Jianwei Yu, Zhengyang Chen, Bing Han, Yanmin Qian, Haizhou Li. ICASSP, 2024.

A Study of Modeling Rising Intonation in Cantonese Neural Speech Synthesis. Qibing Bai, Tom Ko, Yu Zhang. Interspeech, 2022.

LightHuBERT: Lightweight and Configurable Speech RepresentationLearning with Once-for-All Hidden-Unit BERT. *Rui Wang, *Qibing Bai, Junyi Ao, Long Zhou, Zhixiang Xiong, Zhihua Wei, Yu Zhang, Tom Ko, Haizhou Li. Interspeech, 2022.

Leveraging Pseudo-labeled Data to Improve Direct Speech-to-Speech Translation. Qianqian Dong, Fengpeng Yue, Tom Ko, Mingxuan Wang, Qibing Bai, Yu Zhang. Interspeech, 2022.